We Are Christians…

Crossroads Christian Academy is in partnership with Highland Latin School, a Christian organization. Our faith statement is the Apostle’s Creed, the most ancient and widely accepted expression of the essential beliefs of the Christian faith. We view all subjects as seen through the prism of Christ. We also teach according to a Christian worldview. God, the Creator of heaven and earth, cannot rightly be separated from history, literature, mathematics, science, or any other CCA discipline. We view every subject in light of God and His Word. This may be more apparent as we study Bible and history, but it is just as true as we study math and science. In these subjects, we discern the order and structure of the world that point decisively to the God of the Bible as our Creator.

Our commitment to Christ-centered teaching does not mean, however, that we will only study Christian things, thereby narrowly presenting the world as only the way we see it. On the contrary, our tools of learning and our faith in Jesus Christ help us to confidently affirm truth wherever it is found. For we know that all truth ultimately comes to us from God. Therefore, we wholeheartedly seek a complete liberal arts education.

We are a school…

We exist to partner with like-minded parents in helping students develop discipline, a lifelong love of learning, and the ability to think critically. We believe these skills will prepare them to accomplish whatever God calls them to do in life. We seek to point students to God as they explore what He has created. We believe that God is glorified as students honor Him with their minds, seeking out His truth.

We are classical…

We employ methods of teaching and learning that have stood the test of time and that also find support in modern developmental theory. We are based on a model that affirms that learning occurs in three stages:

  • The early years are the grammar stage, during which students learn basic facts across the disciplines.
  • This lays the foundation for the logic stage, during which students learn the “why” behind the facts they have mastered.
  • Finally, students reach the rhetoric stage in which they learn to thoughtfully express and defend their ideas.

Classical education also includes the study of Latin, the foundation of many modern languages. With additional emphasis on the development of mathematical and critical thinking skills, our school maintains a rigorous and well-balanced approach.